The following is an outline of the tasks I will be undertaking during my internship with WHE in Mwanza and Arusha:
1. Assessment of Business Plan
Market Research
¨ What markets are available? Where else could they sell the yogurt? Brainstorm with the mamas and develop a list
¨ What are the current markets they are using? Name them – where is the yogurt going? Chart where the yogurt is going and monitor each
¨ Use coolers to bring yogurt to the market (using bikes, selling the yogurt with chapattis as part of their breakfast program, etc)
¨ Seek interested local vendors
2. Diversifying Sales Structure
- Outsourcing of yogurt
- Junior Mamas
¨ How is this working?
¨ Commission?
¨ How much are they paying the junior mamas?
3. Business Sustainability
- How to increase their profit? What are their expenses? How did they arrive at their price points?
- Diversification (new markets?) – See Market Research
4. Future Business plans
- Nurturing the development of new women’s groups
¨ What is the business plan of each kitchen
- How to develop a business training plan for TWG?
¨ Consultation fee?
¨ How much does it cost to train them to make the yogurt – and follow up
- Incorporate franchise agreement into existing and new women’s groups
- Kivulini:
¨ Tapping in to Kivulini’s resources for professional development
¨ Explore youth groups re: conducting education in schools
- Loan System
¨ As part of TWG’s role as a lead women’s group and training organization in the area, would TWG be interested in operating a loan system for other women’s groups (like was done with Mahina).
¨ Loan system to be discussed in February
¨ Let them know that there is a possibility of Igombe and Mahina receiving a loan
¨ Two interns are coming in the summer, providing $200 as a loan to Igmobe and Mahina for start-up needs and business needs. We would like this money to be paid pack to a loan fund managed by TWG
¨ TWG would then provide loans to other probiotic women’s groups for equipment and other development needs
¨ Work with Esther and TWG re: criteria for loans (with low interest rate eg. 2%)
¨ TWG should open a separate account for this loan system
5. TWG Land Business Development
- Profitability of the land – end goal is to at least breakeven
¨ Explore what crops to use and what feed etc for cows or other livestock
¨ Utilizing man power effectively and daily duties for whomever will be working there
- How to maximize milk production in the dry season?
¨ How will irrigation be used?
- Goal: Produce 50L from 5 cows and buy 50L – ask TWG if this is a reasonable goal
- Last resort: renting the land out. An option is to lease it to Kivulini, reasonable amount for rent but not necessarily to make profit
- End goal: answers to these questions!
Community Pilot Project: Regulating informal milk sector, Mwanza
- Work with SNV, Dane Labonte, and Heifer international to look at piloting the women’s groups at regulating the informal milk industry in Mwanza (which is at 90%)
¨ This is a pilot study of what a cooperative will look like to regulate the informal dairy industry (cooperative between government and women’s groups)
¨ Looking at how people can use the land (husbandry cooperative). What other things can benefit the producer?
1. What are SNV’s standards for the project?
2. How can this benefit the farmer?
3. End goal: Laying the groundwork for future interns to implement the project
6. Professional Development
- Develop weekly business presentations with Esther to present to the mamas (i.e 15 minutes business lesson at the beginning of each meeting)
¨ Topics: production and sales, quality control, business and accounting, bookkeeping
1. What are the issues
2. What needs to be done (agenda?)
3. Build in progression
Please see business and sales goals for Mwanza - a similar structure will be adapted to the unique needs of the Arusha kitchen.
Shannon and I will also be working in partnership with our respective Arusha goals.
best of luck achieving all your goals on this journey!