Update: Travels in PhD Land

So ya, um, ya.

A while back (had to be around this time last year) I promised to post updates on what I've been working on for my dissertation.  I was posting some of my notes from my travels in the archives in Barbados and Ottawa, but haven't posted anything dissertation-related since then.

No, I haven't been procrastinating and spending all my time blogging/spartanracing/going to graduations.  A lot has changed in my life in the past 7 months, but I've been plugging away and working hard on finishing.

For all those out there (maybe 4 or 5 people that will end up reading this post), I've finished what I like to call a "preliminary draft" and now working on the massive chapter re-writes (and new writes) and edits.  Good news is is that I don't have to reinvent the wheel and start the whole thing all over again.

I've got a couple of conferences on tap for the fall.  One at Harvard University, Reconsidering Caribbean Diaspora, is confirmed for September 28th-29th, where I'll be presenting, "No, We Can't: Black West Indians and Canadian Political Culture".  The other is yet to be confirmed, but it looks like it'll be a go for Michigan State.

I'll post bits and pieces of the paper that I'll be presenting at Harvard come September or immediately after the conference.

Other than that, I've been doing a lot of articulation work (or you can call it invisible work, but "articulation" sounds a lot more formal and productive).

My dissertation has pretty well become a part of my life - my community service (to whom? I have no idea).  I don't post what I eat for breakfast every morning, so I won't post every little mundane detail of what I wrote (or didn't write) on Emigrant Ambassadors navigating the institutionalized structures of a gendered and racist immigration system.

I'd rather talk about fat women having sex to lose weight.

Stay tuned when Christopher Heads East (again) to do some invisible work.
