Footprints Across Africa: The 4 letter word (most) North American's shy away...

Footprints Across Africa: The 4 letter word (most) North American's shy away...: P.O.O.P. That's right, I said it! Poop. Recently, I received an email from someone in the U.S (based out of Seattle) who is trying to set ...


  1. Stool, poop, shit, feces are very important to Hungarians. I grew up analyzing each bowel movement. It is very useful to Know Your Stool.

  2. No matter how much money you have/don't have, and where you're from, we all doodoo, right? This may seem comical to some, but Lisa's post hits the nail on the head on so many different levels.

    I think an "Occupy Stool" movement can be so much more effective when dealing with global poverty than any protest. Say ten thousand people just shit on Queen's Park, Wall Street, Bay Street, wherever, (literally and figuratively), you can't tell me that'll make people pay attention - and smell - the hygiene and health issues of the world's true 99%?

    Toilets and sanitation are a true luxury that we take for granted. The fact that we can turn on our taps and drink the water, because it doesn't come from the same source that we dump on our doodoo in, says a lot.


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