November 20-21: Kigali to Nairobi

 If I were to describe Kigali in one word, it would be Wakanda.

Ya, I know that probably isn’t a hot take, but it is very cool to see a Black Future in practice. From how clean the city is, to its infrastructure, to its focus on tech, to how environmentally friendly it is, it is probably the closest thing I would get to do being a real-life Wakanda.

I think it’s also important for people in North America, and the Americas as a whole, to see ‘excellence’ without the qualifier of ‘Black’ in front of it. Kigali is a dope city. Full stop.

Imagine you could get a city that every month had every single person clean the streets? Shoot, it even caught me when I saw someone throw something on the ground and I told them to pick it up.

That every Sunday for three hours, they don’t let any cars on the road?

That police presence is there as sign of safety and not oppression and violence?

I felt safer in Kigali than I do in Canada.

And this all culminates with the vibe.

I think the vibe was the biggest thing for me. I even had to ask some of the students at the fairs about it.

It’s hard to explain, but these youth have a certain way of carrying themselves. You might call it ‘swag.’ Their confidence was palpable, but it wasn’t overbearing, nor was it out of place. They engaged, but were shy. They were forthcoming, but reserved. 

It was almost as if I was watching the future of Blackness that was truly born out of death and destruction. A group of youth that are swimming in the wake of true reconciliation and inclusion.

To be fair, I’m on the 280 characters of a whirlwind trip of 6 countries in 14 days, so it’s not so easy to get a fair assessment of a city. But I will be back in Kigali and will also have a chance to see some more of the country.

One thing I do know is, I’ve learned how a people can move forward after such devastation and tragedy. It isn’t perfect, but it’s working. Lessons that we can learn in Canada.

Or, I just move to Wakanda.

And from what I’ve seen in short order of Nairobi? This place definitely has a vibe.
